Made as part of a 4 week course in Visual Game and Media Design master's programme.
This prototype is the result of close collaboration within our  team.​​​​​​​ 
Aia Kragh 
Jonathan Skjøtt
Game design, Programming, 2D Art

Music by Lyra Valenza 

Step into the solemn role of the Gravedigger in this thought-provoking game prototype, where your duty is to bury, mourn, and name the endless stream of anonymous NPC bodies. The game presents a moral dilemma, allowing players to choose between persisting with their grim task, leading to more arrivals, or opting to pull the lever and bring closure to the game. Explore the emotional depths of the Gravekeeper's world and navigate the delicate balance between duty and and consequence.

The prototype still has some clear issues, which is why the game hasn't been released yet. We are currently working on finetuning the game and will at some point in the furture release a full functioning version. 
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