Designed as part of the BA programme in Digital Design.
Aia Kragh 
Mattias Johansson 
Kathrine Pilgaard
Kristian Kruse

All visual content displayed here has been created by me
HJERTEKAMMER (meaning HEART CHAMBER) is an interactive health technology. It is a screened bench whose location should be tied to natural or calm surroundings. HJERTEKAMMER is equipped with an interactive table/surface where the user can rest their arm. If doing so they will trigger an audio output of the sound of their own or heartbeat.
The purpose of the design is to create a safe place within a public space that can stand as a symbol of the importance of a healthy mental state. The bench encourages and creates a platform for people to meet and talk, or simply destress and reflect on their own well-being.
Present and Future Scenario

The initial scenario illustrates the challenges of engaging in difficult conversations within familiar daily environments. In this scenario, we observe Hannah initiating a conversation with Peter. She expresses a sense of being left in the dark and seeks insight into Peter's well-being. As Peter remains unresponsive to her question, Hannah's frustration escalates, leading her to pose additional inquiries. Ultimately, the interaction culminates in a conflict.
In the second scenario, we delve into a future scenario, showcasing how the design of Hjertekammer introduces a transformative element or potential solution to the challenges outlined in the initial scenario. In this scenario, instead of initiating a challenging conversation in their familiar home environment, Hannah suggests to Peter that they visit the nearest Hjertekammer. This decision offers them a chance to step away from their daily surroundings.
Upon reaching Hjertekammer, the couple takes a moment to simply sit and absorb the sounds of nature, listening to each other's heartbeats. This experience fosters a sense of calmness and connection, setting the stage for a more profound and meaningful conversation. Hjertekammer thus provides a conducive environment for them to engage in a deep and meaningful dialogue.

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